Could My Music Be Too Loud?

It’s been a while… But I am here now 💃💃💃
Today’s mail has been marinating in my head for a long time, so I decided to drop it before it turns to mush… Hehehe

This COVID season has given lots of us access to opportunities and things we would have not been able to do ordinarily… Colourful things and ideas abound…

Anyway, I was on a zoom call recently and everything was going fine until the music playing at the background kept drowning out the moderator’s voice. I strained and strained to hear her over the loud music but I could barely catch her words. I am ashamed to say I judged her and all the organizers of the event and it was ugly in my head… Why can’t people have common sense? All these overzealous people blablabla🤦‍♀️… I decided since they did not have sense, let me help them by telling them what to do. I politely😏 sent a message to the chat room, “can you please reduce the music? It’s too loud.” The speaker paused and said there was no music, everyone said they could not hear any music. They could hear the speaker just fine, then the speaker told me to check myself. Long story short, my phone had started playing music by itself, that was what was blocking me from hearing.

I was embarrassed at myself and more so at the judging judgina situation. I had given no room for a fair trial but stood as judge and jury and found them guilty, when I was the guilty one, had my mic been on I would have been guilty of doing exactly what I was accusing them of doing.

Also, the problem was not with their speaking but my hearing. God is always talking, we are the ones who have blocked our hearing with sounds of fear, worry, defeat and sounds of reality.

When Moses sent the spies to check Canaan out, most of them said, “they are giants and we were like grasshoppers…” Did they lie? No. Why was God then angry with them?🤷🏼‍♀️… Because they spoke their reality instead of what God said; He said he will give them the land but they said what they saw, didn’t he know they were giants before he gave the promise?

Most of us are team let’s be “realistic” but God did not called us to be realistic but to believe his word.

When I am tempted to be holier than thou aka everyone is at fault/wrong but me,

When I am tempted to give in to what I see around me and be realistic
I pause to check and ask, “is my music too loud?”

Check yourself first…

PS: I have a new video up on my YouTube channel: Divine ideas/divine provisions with Ccioma 👉

PPS: The waitlist for our Be More Program is out (details will be out shortly) it’s 6weeks of intense detox to a better you, my partner calls it an antenatal clinic for the delivery of a BETTER YOU. You don’t want to miss this💥

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