Dews and Droplets
I was getting discouraged and depressed because I have not seen answers to many things I have been working and praying for. My husband called that his car which he had been trying to trade-off for over two months has been sold, I told him “well God tried a little,” “little?” He asked, then he proceeded to remind me of all the different ways God came through for us. When he puts it like that I saw how selfish and ungrateful I have been.
I later came to the sitting room, while flipping through channels, I came across Joyce Meyer and she was talking about Elijah and King Ahab – after Elijah prayed for rain, he told his servant to go check (he went back about seven times), then he saw a small cloud as small as a man’s hand, that was all Elijah needed to hear before he ran for cover. Then she called out Mike Shephard, who gave a testimony about his daughter who had a rare kind of mononucleosis(sickness dey sha) which affected her brain(she became an invalid with slurred speech), they saw this Bible passage and decided to celebrate every small cloud(little improvement). Even if it was a twitch, there were like “Yay! We are celebrating this!” They kept at it till who the doctor said will remain an invalid became whole and went back to work.
She concluded by saying we should stop looking at what God has not done and concentrate on the small cloud because it will soon rain.
Isn’t God awesome, what are the odds of it being a coincidence, that, when I was giving up and looking at what God hasn’t done for me, I get to hear this, first from my husband and then the Television.
Have you seen any cloud lately? Are you even looking for one?
Look up, it’s there!