Did you know this???

I have been trying to understand the concept of spirit, soul and body, their roles, relationship e.t.c. I got a clear picture recently:

Picture this: When someone comes to my house (body) they have to pass through the door (Soul) to get to me inside (spirit).

If the door is locked or there are stuffs (distractions and issues) packed behind or in front of the door then access is denied to whatever or whoever wants to come inside or go out.

God is spirit and through the Holy Spirit he talks to us inside but how can the soul (door) get the information when the piles in front of the door has blocked access to the door(soul) and subsequently the body.

The soul is the link between the spirit and the body. But we usually pay more attention to the building than the real person inside, missing the best of our existence.

It is deeper than this but this is how I understood this simply

Today, I was reading Colossians 1 thinking about the concept of spirit soul and body, then God as a triune being and he saying in Genesis 1:26 “…let us make man in our image…” that means God is spirit soul and body too (three in one), just like us.

Col 1:15 Christ is the visible image of an invisible God…18 Christ is the head of the church, which is his body… meaning Christ is the body in the trinity and we are part of the body…meaning we are part of the trinity…this hit me deeply, I am still trying to wrap my head round this concept. I AM PART OF THE TRINITY!

I don’t care if my position in Christ’s body is the hair in Jesus’ nose, because any where I am on that body, I am part of the trinity. This means I am part of God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit by virtue of Christ and believing in Christ

Now I am getting this passage of the Bible…Psalm 82:6, John 10:34…ye are gods…

Wow! Are you as shocked, marveled and in a state of is this for real! as I am?

The sheer magnitude of this…I need to read and study this over and over to really get it, believe it and walk it.

Have you known this all along?

How has it reshaped your life?

You cannot just waka pass with this kind of information!!!!

Do share your thoughts!!!!!

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