My Mother’s Day lesson
I was in the room yesterday when Nuggie came to meet me with the juice I had instructed was off-limits. I had concluded she did not heed my instructions and I sat up to ask why with my stern mummy face on, but I held back to see what she was up to first…
Back story: My children got to know yesterday was mother’s day and they all came to hug me. “Mummy, why didn’t you tell us, we would have gotten a gift for you” they exclaimed as they came to hug me.
I was surprised they even know what mother’s day was as I don’t usually bother with stuff like that and have not told them what it was about. I think they got their owambe trait from their father’s side(cc: James Illah).
Anyway, I thought that was that till Nuggie came to meet me…
Nuggie: Mummy happy mother’s day. I came to serve you this juice as your gift since we didn’t get you anything.
I am glad I didn’t jump to conclusions and overreact like I almost did thereby crushing her good intentions and thoughtfulness. I am learning to calm down before reacting, also children may not react or do things the way we think is “perfect” but who told us our way is the best and only way?
PS: I think I have been officially inducted into the I care about stuff like that group… Let me go and teach them about all the celebrations we have in the year, who knows I may get a bigger gift next time