The Child I Ordered Versus what I got…
Yesterday makes it five years to the day I had my second child…
We had had a baby eight months prior so we were not actively looking for a child neither were we using any form of FP.
Within the period I remembered my mom’s story of how she stopped getting pregnant at 36 years old after a miscarriage and 6 children; according to her she had laid her hands on her stomach saying, “womb enough, no child shall come from you henceforth Well, yours truly decided to give the method a trial”
I didn’t use her exact words, I said no other pregnancy until we are ready but I fearfully did a PT almost weekly and a few months later I saw what I was afraid of… positive!
It was smooth sailing and armed with my Jackie Mize’s book Supernatural childbirth the baby was covered in affirmations and declarations.
I had wanted four children initially but when I had my first child I changed my mind to two children, and since I wanted to know what it feels like to have both sexes, I was praying/believing for a boy.
The delivery was the fastest of all my babies. I asked the nurse for the sex she said… it’s a girl!
That was so unexpected, wrapped in a blue shawl for a boy I gazed at the baby and well… she had to use the things we got for a male child. it took us a month come up with a fitting English name for her {we had male names planned, the native name was unisex so automatically that was sorted, how we came about her name Destiny is a story for another day}
I got angry at God, I mean first I was believing you not to get pregnant and you allowed me to get pregnant, then I was asking you for a boy you gave me a girl … come on!
God and I resolved our differences but from that experience, I learnt that sometimes we ask God for what we think is best for us based on what we see/feel but God gives us what is best for us based on what is… Had that child being a boy, I would have had Destiny who is like the connection between everyone the family {space won’t permit to write all the amazing things about her}.
Have you heard of prayer for family planning before?
Do you think it would have worked for me if I was not so fearful?
What other unusual way have you used prayer and gotten a reply?
You may have an issue stubbornly refuses to change or the answer didn’t come the way you wanted it…
Your mind may be telling you, it’s because your faith and effort are not enough…
You are even tired and angry at God because it doesn’t seem fair…
It may not look like it but it will turn out greater than what you expect/ask just like my five year old daughter